


1)They were cheerful and chatty and better dressed than you might imagine for people who are often heard but rarely seen.


1)Others see the benefits in these technological advances.

2) I see the opportunity of sth/Ving

3) As I approached, ...

4) A handful of enthusiasts/researchers have/had taken up the challenge

5) These ideas remain unconfirmed

6)However, quality is of the utmost importance when lives hang in the balance.



1) One morning this summer, I paid a visit to 某地



1) When properly used, these tools save our energy and increase our productivity.


1) The handover between interpreters isn't very efficient yet.

2) I dare say that I felt at ease...

3) is happy with the final result of this great event

4) The interpretation department is concerned with training, not research.

5) lucid speaker 天使講者XD


1) As the delegate spoke, A had to make sense of a message composed in one language while simultaneously constructing and articulating the same message in another tongue. The process required an extraordinary blend of sensory, motor and cognitive skills, all of which had to operate in unison. She did so continuously and in real time, without asking the speaker to slow down or clarify anything. She didn't stammer or pause. Nothing in our evolutionary history can have programmed A's brain for a task so peculiar and demanding. Executing it required versatility and nuance beyond the reach of the most powerful computers. It is a wonder that her brain, indeed any human brain, can do it at all.

2) Puns, sarcasm, irony and culture-specific jokes are an interpreter's nightmare.

3) It's not just language skills in this job, it's being quick-brained and learning fast.

4) Body language and facial expression provide part of the message, and are harder to decipher when working remotely. You get fewer visual clues as to what's going on.

5) Then there is tedium. Crisis talks in New York might be gripping, but the average politician, never mind the avergae technical expert on marine regulations, isn't likely to induce rapt attention for hours on end. The audience might slumber, but the interpreter must remain vigilant. 

6) You have perception and production at the same time. The brain regions involved go to an extremely high level, beyond language.

7) There's very strong functional interplay between these regions. Many other regions also seemed to be involved, there are myriad connections between them.

8) Under normal circumstances listening to your voice is essential to monitoring your speech. But interpreters have to concentrate on the word they're translating, so that they learn to pay less attention to their own voice.

9)during simultaneous interpretation the brain performs three concurrent mental operations: it perceives and processes current fragments of the message in the original language, stores previously heard information in memory, and, finally, generates an equivalent message in the target language. 

10) EEG is a powerful method of studying cognitive processes and is used in many research fields.

11)‘The art of simultaneous interpreting has little to do with word-for-word translation. Rather, it is to know when to slow down, abstract from the speaker’s words to be able to produce an elegant translation based on a larger context constructed from the speaker’s previous discourse and common sense’. ‘At the same time, it is important not to fall behind the speaker a lot,’ explains Roman Koshkin, author of the article and a professional simultaneous interpreter. ‘I hope that our research will help our colleagues find the perfect number of words that allows them to understand and convey the meaning of what was said to the audience without missing important details due to memory overload.’


1) cast/throw the first stone 事先發難


1) It's like that old saying by Gandhi, "Want change? Be the change."


1) hope that we have many more opportunities of work and professional development together!


    interpreting 口譯 實用句型

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