格陵蘭儘管是全球最大島,島上居民只有6萬人:Despite being the world's largest island, Greenland has a population of less than 60,000.

以捕魚維生:make a living on what the sea provides

冰河正在消融,直接流入海洋:The water from the glacier is melting and flooding into the sea.

(1)氣候變遷衝擊當地因紐特人賴以為生的捕魚、打獵(2)氣候變遷重創因紐特人生計,當地人以捕魚、打獵維生:Climate change is thought to be a direct impact on the hunting and fishing that sustains the Inuit way of life.

歐盟法律允許格陵蘭人捕食海豹:Seals are traditionally hunted for their meat and skins in Greenland, permitted in EU law.

去年格陵蘭冰層形成全球最大瀑布,5百萬立方公尺的水在5小時內傾瀉而下,約莫是200個奧林匹克泳池的大小:What may have been the world's tallest waterfall briefly formed on Greenland's ice sheet last year, draining a meltwater lake of 5 million cubic meters of water -- equivalent to 2,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools -- in just five hours.

會導致連鎖反應:can cause a chain-reaction

團隊使用GPS定位的無人機,拍攝900張冰河消失的照片:The team used GPS-fitted, autonomous drones to take about 900 photographs of the lake's disappearance.

很幸運見證到這變化,實在是天時地利:we were lucky to be in the right place at the right time.

2.台灣5G 12/10釋照,台灣5大電信業者競標





電視製作人庫尼(Joan Ganz Cooney)和心理學家莫里賽特(Lloyd Morrisett)1968年共同創辦製作「芝麻街」(Sesame Street)的「兒童電視工作室」(CTW,後更名為「芝麻街工作室」)。1969年,「芝麻街」首播。

原本不忌口的餅乾怪獸(Cookie Monster)轉而擁抱較健康的飲食方式;厭世奧斯卡(Oscar the Grouch)也不住在一般垃圾桶了,他的新家是資源回收桶。此外,美國版「芝麻街」今年還多了一個名叫卡爾利(Karli)的寄養兒童角色。他的母親有藥癮。


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