The history of coffee dates back more than a thousand years.
The tradition dates back to 500 years.
-> date back是用主動式~
Bridesmaid should attend all bridal fairs with the bride as well as cake and catering tasting.
->catering tasting外匯試吃
Do I have to invite out-of-town relatives to the rehearsal dinner?
->(O)不住在附近的親戚 (X)遠房親戚
lingerie 性感睡衣
We need to send bridal shower invitations as sson as possible.
-> shower送禮會
The bride and the nridesmaids are planning agreat trip in Las Vegas for a get-away.
-> 放鬆的旅遊行程
I hired a famous musician to host the party and play his great tunes.
There's a dance floor, I have to help get the party going.
-> dance floor 舞池
Can you help direct the guests to the guestbook and assist them with a special moment?
-> guestbook 簽到簿
Blind dates can be exciting and unnerving regardless of whether you were set up by a friend or met online.
-> unnnerving 令人緊張不安的
A nice button-down shirt, trendy jeans, ot even casual pants are perfect for a casual date.
-> button-down shirt (襯衫領子)有扭孔可扣在襯衫上的
Do you think we should meet up at the chosen location?
-> chosen(ADJ.)挑選出來的、精選的/meet up 遇到、不期而遇
Before you meet your date, find a mirror to glance into to make sure you don't have a stain on your shirt.
Well, choosing a place where everyone doesn't know my name will put me at (my) ease.
Do you think I should order for her or let her give the waiter her order?
-> 幫她點餐不是"help her order"而是“order for her”
It is extremely important to keep the conversation flowing.
Are you a dog person or a cat person?
We should steer clear of the subjects like religion(s) or politics.
My date told me that he works at NASA. He is so full of it.
My date kept telling crude and inappropriate jokes. It made me uncomfotable.
Things are going well. I should order something that we can share, such as a plate of assorted appetizers.
I'm sorry. I don't think you can I can hit it off.
->hit it off 合得來
Do you have any top-notch date idea to help me impress my date?
I'm planning an outdorrsy activity because I'm sure the girl is the outdoorsy activity.
It's so embarrassing that my date wanted to perform a duet at a karaoke bar.
Attending a rock concert and singing out loud if a great stress reliever.
My girlfriend is a history buff. That's why I'm taking her to explore around some historical sites.
How about renting a motor scooter and going for a spin?
I am in the mood for something a little different, such as going to a drive-in theater.
We can take a long walk by a river and enjoy the beauty of the trees and water.
A nearby paint ball facility just opened. Do you want to go with me? We can shoot each other.
Last night, my boyfriend and I camped out and kissed under the stars.
We went to an amusement park yesterday and bumped each other with bumper cars.
There is nothing better than bonding with your date.
Let's go to Atlantic City and try our luck at a casino!
Climbing a wall together is not only fun but also helps couples build trust.
If you are into football, we should root for the home team at a sporting event.
Water pistol shootouts can also be lots of fun.
My boyfriend plans a movie night. We are going out to rent a flick and make popcorn.
I am madly and delirously in love with you.
-> 無可救藥地
I have not seen you in a while.
-> in a while 一段時間
My best friend always has a way to turn an increadibly frustrating aspect into something much more light-hearted.
Which is your favorite movie of all time?
-> 一直以來
Did you read about the over-the-top acts of that famous actress?
I like talking to my friends because it always helps get my thoughts off my chest.
Where do you work at the moment?
How is your new job treating you?
My topmost ambition in life is to become a doctor.
What turns you on about the opposite sex?
What turns you off anout the opposite gender?
It's getting late. Do you want to sleep over?
Get up, sleepyhead. It's time for us to het out and experience Nature!
We can enjoy the sandwiches by the lake and throw the crusts to the seabirds.
My father and I used to like to shoot hoops in the driveway.
Swimming safety tips for young people can come in handy as summer approaches.
The hotel offers log cabin rentals with mountain views and Jacuzzi.
Make 3 days a week mandatory in the gym.
After 15 minutes on the tradmill, I am already out of the breath.
How many sit-ups and push-ups can you do in a row?
If you want to have hiking a try, the local ranger service actually offers lots of sevices.
Do you think hosting a bonfire party on the beach would be a good idea?
If you get a raspy cough or cannot stop sneezing, chances are (that) you have a cold.
Pregnant women are at high risk of serious flu complications.
My cold began with a stuffy nose and a sore throat.
Can I have some clear fluids such as water, chicken broth or sports drink?
You should try some hot chicken soup if you feel sick. The nourishing broth will give you more energy.
My mother swears by garlic and chilis to help ease congestion.
Are the appointments running on time at the moment or will there be a wait?
The doctor asked me to tilt my head back and look upward.
Wash your hands often with soap and water. If not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
->勤洗手(O)wash your hands often.
(X)wash your hands diligently
Should I sleep in or get up early to enjoy a hearty breakfast with my family?
It only takes a few minutes each day to prevent a paper pileup.
Do a little clutter control on a daily basis helps keep your home tidy.
Is your home ready for company at any time?
I don't know how to get rid of my boredom.
I am going to kick back and read a great book.
Time and tide waits for no man.
My best friend called my favorite radio station and dedicated a song to me.
I'm sure I'll plan an event that will knock my friend's socks off.
I'm planning a romantic birthday dinner to sweep my girlfriend off her feet.
Let's set up the food tables like a concession stand for a fun touch.
To help keep costs down, we will ask everyone to bring a 6-pack.