collect (v.)有集中精神、使鎮定的意思
-> I tried to collect my thoughts, but I was too excited. 我想要集中精神,但我太亢奮了。
civil (adj.)有禮貌
-> keep a civil tongue 談吐有禮/ He wasn't civil to his guests.
dash (v.)希望破滅
-> Her hopes were dashed. 她的希望破滅了
draw (n.)平手、平局、抽籤
-> The game was a draw.
-> The game ended in a draw.
dull (v.)減輕
-> Time dulled his pain.
fancy (n.)一時興起
-> a passing fancy心血來潮
-> This doesn't tickle my fancy at all. This is dull and boring.
fire (n.)熱情、火花
->a speech lacking fire 不精采的演說
-> a flat price 均一價、統一價格
hand (n.)字跡
-> He wrote in a neat hand. 他的字跡很工整
raise (v.)飼養
-> raise beans種植豆子
high spot 精彩的部分
soft spot 罩門
black spot 容易發生事故的地區
bright spot 亮點
trouble spot 動亂地區
scenic spot 風景名勝
hot spot 戰亂地區、(美國口語)紅燈區
stake (n.)樁
-> burn at the stake (綁在樁上)處以火刑
介系詞居然是用at 不是用on !看到這個片語就想到聖女貞德QQ
nominal value 名目價值
real value 實質價值
face value 票面價值
market value 市值
street value 黑市價值
bear (v.)結
-> The tree bears a lot of fruit.
deliver (v.)接生
-> The midwife delivered the baby. 助產士幫忙接生
-> Her husband delivered the baby himself. 她先生自己幫忙接生
develop (v.)發展、使成長
-> Physical exercise develops muscle. 運動可鍛鍊肌肉
-> Will a plant develop from this seed? 這顆種子會長成植物嗎?
-> We developed a roll of film yesterday.
discharge (v.)排出、流出
-> There was a discharge of pus from the wound. 傷口流膿了
-> discharge waste from the bosy 排出體內的廢物
-> discharge a prisoner from a jail
-> My brother was discharged from the hospital last week.
You must drive slowly in school zone. 校區
dues (n.)費用
-> club dues 會費
-> harbor dues 港務費
fail (v.)減退
-> Her eyesight is failing. 他的視力在減退
There's a very informative feature on meida disinformation in today's paper. 今天的報紙有一則關於媒體不實報導的專題,言之有物。
free (adj.)慷慨的、大方的
-> a free spender 揮金如土的人
-> She is free with her money. 他花起錢來很隨性
This car can hold five people.本車限乘五人
The livelihood of the citizens has reached a new level. 市民的生活水平
hit the mark 命中目標
wide of the mark 離譜、不切題
mark down 記下
miss one's mark 沒打中目標
make one's mark 成名、出名
obscure (v.)遮掩、使不清楚
-> obscured glass 毛玻璃
admission 承認
admittance 進入
installment 分期付款
installation 就任、就職
odd (adj.)臨時的、不固定的
-> an odd job 臨時工
-> at odd times 偶爾
BYOB (bring your own bottle) party 自行帶酒派對
practice (n.)慣例、常規、習慣
-> unfair business practice(s)投機生意
-> Marrying later in life is now quite common practice in developed nations. 在已開發國家,晚婚現在是常態。
a scale 一座天秤
a bathrom scale 體重計
scale the fish before cooking them. 料理前先把魚的鱗片刮除。
stick (v.) 插
-> stick candles in a birthday cake. 把蠟燭插在生日蛋糕上
appropriate (v.)盜用、佔用
-> appropriate government money 盜用公款
-> Don't appropriate the ideas of others. 不要瓢竊別人的點子
-> The government appropriated a large sum of money for environmental conservation.
benefit (n.)利益、好處
-> public benefit 公益
-> a benefit concert 慈善音樂會
-> a benefit perfornance 慈善表演
-> sickness benefit 疾病補助
-> fringe benefit 額外補助
-> unemployment benefit 失業補助
compose (v.)作文
-> I am mentally compose the letter I will write later. 我腦子裡在構思待會兒要寫的信。
concession (n.)讓步、優惠[C]
->You can get travel concessions if you are under 26.
-> The dispute was settled through mutual concessions. 雙方讓步
-> a concession to public opinion 採納民意
-> make a concession to a demand 讓步同意了某個要求
-> an oil concession 石油專利權
-> Thank you for visiting our concession stand. 感謝您光臨我們的攤位
-> an ice cream concession in the subway station. 地鐵站的冰淇淋店
conduct (v.)帶領、導覽
-> The guide conducted us round the cathedral.
-> conduct a tour 帶領行程
contingent (adj.)取決於,以...為條件的
-> Our success is contingent on your support.
-> The picnic planned for Sunday is contingent on the weather.
-> He was prepared for every contingent.
contract (v.)罹患
-> I have contracted a bad cold.
-> contract smallpox 得了天花
coordinate (n.)座標
-> global coordinates 全球座標
-> The shirt and the skirt are color coordinates.這件襯衫和裙子在顏色上可以配成套
deposit (v.)放下
-> The bus deposited them near the station.
-> The Nile floods the fields and deposits mud on them.
-> Our customers have to deposit $1,000 every month.
-> We have $500. Will it be enough for a deposit?
dispense (v.)發出、流出
-> The cash machine was unable to dispense money. 提款機沒辦法吐鈔
-> a faucet dispensing sufficient water 水龍頭流出足夠的水
dispose (v.)排列、整理
-> dispose books on the shelves 把書歸到架上
-> dispose troops 整頓部隊
-> I didn't feel disposed to help her.
-> The murderer was unable to dispose of the body.
-> We have to dispose of mice in the house.
draft (n.)(conscription)徵兵
-> He is of draft age. 他到了入伍的年紀
-> evade the draft 逃兵役
elaborate (adj.)精心製作的、複雜的
-> elaborate preparation 精心準備
-> an elaborate excuse 精心編造的藉口
engagement (n.) 債務、應償還的款項
-> You must meet your engagements within a month.
-> The general tried to avoid an engagement with the enemy.
exploit (n.) 功績、輝煌的成就
-> His exploits as an explorer brought him fame and wealth.
faciilty (n.)產品的功能
-> a computer with speech recognition facility
-> She has a facility for learning languages./ Practice gives facility.
->She handled the crisis with facility.
-> overcome difficulties with facility
issue (n.) (法律用語)子女、子嗣
-> die without issue 死後無嗣
quarter (n.) 地區、區域
-> a/the residential quarter住宅區
-> change one's quarter 更換住處
reclaim (v.)開墾、開拓
-> This land was reclaimed from the sea. 這是填海所造的海埔新生地
-> reclaimed land 新生地
-> reclaim former criminals 感化舊罪犯
-> a reclaimed alcoholic 改過自新的酒鬼
subscribe (v.)贊同
-> I subscribe to your opinion.
-> subscribe a large sum to charities
transfer (n.)轉移、轉調、轉車
-> a transfer fee 轉帳手續費、轉讓費
-> the transfer of power 權力轉移
-> (a) transfer to another part of the company 轉調到公司的另一個單位
-> (a/the) transfer of ownership 所有權轉移
volume (n.)書冊、卷
-> a four-hundred page volume 四百頁的書
-> the first volume of his autobiography 他自傳的第一冊