orthodontist /ˌɔːr.θoʊˈdɑːn.t̬ɪst/ a person whose job is to correct the position of the teeth 牙齒矯正醫生
periodontist/ˌper.i.oʊˈdɑːn.t̬ɪst/ a dentist who specializes in the treatment of the gums (= the pink flesh in themouth in which the teeth are fixed) and other tissues around the teeth 牙周病醫生
stop chewing my nails 不再咬指甲
gum 牙齦、牙床
補充:by gum! 天啊!
my two front teeth came out 我的兩顆大門牙掉了!
front teeth是門牙~
you feel nauseous/ˈnɑː.ʃəs/
Roller coasters make me feel nauseous.
the nauseous smell of rotting flesh 令人作噁的腐臭味
can I get my ears pierced? 我可以穿耳洞嗎?
和剪頭髮一樣,是have/ get sb vpp!
take the new polaroid /ˈpoʊ.lə.rɔɪd/ 拍立得
Please send us your Polaroids and the best ones will be published.
molars 臼齒
antibacterial ointment 抗菌軟膏
sign my yearbook 在我的年鑑上簽名
San Francisco summers and cold and foggy...but October is usually a sunny month. And like every year, this brought a feeling of optimism into the air. Like something good is going to happen.
These bookshelves are bolted to the wall 書架釘死在牆上
比較特別的是,這裡是用to the wall而不是against the wall
7.5 on the Richter Scale
The phone lines are so overburdened. 電話完全忙線
I survived a major earthquake.
這裡特別的是,沒有用survive from,這促使我重新去了解survive這個字的用法
what a shrimp!
but this year, everything served as a reminder of what was about to happen to me
You have to keep it clean, so you should soak it every night with denture cleaner.
He is a tiny tot. 他是個小不點
retainer 牙齒矯正後的定位器
start back at square one 被迫回到起點
或是go/be back to square one
to be forced to think of a new course of action because your first course of actionfailed
The deal with the house fell through so I'm afraid we're back to square one.
My birthday rolled around again.
roll around在形容時間/歲月的時候,就等同於“happen/come”
She wondered if he would still be there when spring rolled around.
shave your legs 刮腿毛、除腿毛
Don't be so uptight. 別這麼緊張!別這麼焦慮嘛!
Don't get uptight about the exam - just do your best.
Eighth grade was weird. We were all going through puberty, and at different rates. 青春期
At puberty, pubic hair develops and girls begin to menstruate.
Everyone was very preoccupied. 入神的、全神貫注的、心事重重的
thinking or worrying about something too much
She's been very preoccupied recently because her mother has been very ill.
Why is the media so preoccupied with the love lives of politicians?
three-pointers 三分球
My crush on Sean was old news to everyone else, but it still consumed my thoughts a lot of time. 大多數時間,他仍佔據我思緒、心神
end-of-school party 告別(國中/高中/大學)趴
very sentimental bunch 朋友不走感性路線
jawbreakers 硬糖
scrunchie 毛毛的那種髮束
How was your summer? 你的暑假如何?
A: low-key. 沒什麼特別的(很低調)
B: Really? Mine was a blast! 真假!我暑假可過得轟轟烈烈,爆精彩的!
top and bottom jaws 上顎和下巴
I was a little lonely now and then, but it didn't bother me. I was happy to take life ar my very own pace.
now and then "sometimes"
they are misshapen (adj.)畸形、奇形怪狀的
having an unusual shape or a shape that is not natural
The drug caused some babies to be born with misshapen limbs.
why the long face? 表情悲傷、哭喪著臉
"Why do you have such a long face?" "My boyfriend doesn't want to see me any more."
My life didn't magically turn perdect after that. I didn't get the guy, as they say, But Sean was always friendly to me. Instead, I threw my passion into things I enjoyed, rather than feeling sorry for myself. I realized that I had been letting the way I looked on the outside affect how I felt on the inside. But the more I focused on my interests, the more it brought out things I like about myself. And that affected the way other people saw me!