offer his family a very upscale life 高檔、高級
->an upscale brand name/an upscale market
-> go/move upscale把商品賣給較有錢的人、提高檔次:
The brand is going upscale.
life is perilous 'extremely dangerous'
-> a perilous journey across the mountain
contend with the language barrier 'to have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation'必須應對(困境或不愉快的事)'overcome some difficulties'
-> He has a lot to contend with recently.'deal with so many things'
->At the age of nine, he had the death of both parents to contend with.
synopsis 'a film or a book'(電影、書籍等)概要、提要
-> I don't need every little plot twist(劇情轉折); just give me a synopsis of the movie.
stay-at-home mother 家庭主婦,同樣的邏輯,家庭主夫就是「stay-at-home father」
uptight 緊張、焦慮不安的、坐立難安的 'worried or nervous and not able to relax’
-> Don't get uptight about the exam - just do your best. (cambridge dict.)
-> I was totally uptight before the GITI entrance exam.
summer house[UK]/summer home[US] 這個字是「避暑山莊」,歐美人士暑假的度假地,通常靠近海邊或山區
playing against type 和平常性格完全不同的角色(指演員演一個和性格大似相反的角色)大反差
-> Erica is playing against type in this movie.
promiscuity 這個字是個不太好的字XD 特別的是,在英式英文裡,這個字是不可數,但在美式字典裡,這個字卻是可數 'promiscuities'
promiscuous sexual behavior
realtor 也可以稱為「estate agent」房地產代理(人)
reference to god 將聖經所言放入一國法律之中
orgasm [C,U]性高潮
-> to have an orgasm/to achieve, reach orgasm
extramarital affairs 外遇,比起love affairs,用'extramarital'特別強調是有發生性關係的
學到這個字真是太棒了!比起用love affairs來形容,以後寫作可以更精確!