cocky ’a young person who is confident in a way that is unpleasant and sometimes rude'(cam dict)
-> He's a bit cocky for my liking. 這句話只看英文,實在有點容易誤會意思,英式英文的講法真的好厲害啊⋯⋯這句話的意思就是委婉講出對方「並不喜歡」這樣
-> arrogant and cocky
cocky這個字讓我想起「peacock」跟「as proud as a peacock」,我想這個字的經典代表就是Sherlock Holmes和Big Bang Theory裡的 Sheldon了(也共用了eccentric這個字XD)~
cocky這個字讓我想起了「peacock」跟「as proud as a peacock」~
(圖片來源:Sheldon 這裡 Sherlock Holmes 這裡)
baffle(v.) 'cause someone to be unable to understand or explain sth.' 使困惑、疑惑
-> She was completely baffled by his strange behavior.
baffling(adj.) 'confusing'
->a baffling decision/a bafflingly complex explanation
nemesis [C] 這個字有兩個意思,其中之一是「勁敵」,另一則是「報應、天譴、應得的懲罰、不可避免的失敗」'punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided'
->old/main/career-long nemesis
-> The tax increases proved to be the president's political nemesis.
sleuth [C] 偵探,和detective同義,只是傾向比較早期的人在用的英文單字了(1872年),但我想柯南道爾那時應該是用這個字來講Holmes的
-> The popular TV sleuth lives a much more action-packed life than do his real-world counterparts.
de facto (adj.)(adv.)事實上的、實際上的 'existing in fact, although perhaps not intended, legal, or accepted' (n.)[C]名詞用來形容「同居人」
-> the de facto head of state 若放在台灣,指的就是我們的總統,雖然許多國家沒有承認台灣的主權,嗚嗚QQ
-> The city is rapidly becoming the de facto center of the financial world.
-> English is de facto the common language of much of the world today.
-> They've invited Erica and her de facto for dinner on Monday.
dominatrix [C]在性關係中占主導地位的女人,特別的是複數型是「dominatrices」
wrath [U]憤怒 'extreme anger'
->the wrath of the gods 觸犯神明,激起眾怒(常見搭配詞)
->That weather it rained in Taiwan for one week straight, as if I had brought with me a terrible wrath that somehow agitated the atmosphere, releasing a flood of rain.
a hallucinogenic drug = hallucinogen [C] 迷幻藥物
-> Psilocybin(迷幻蘑菇,裸蓋菇素) is a hallucinogen derived from mushrooms. (Merriam Webster)
modernized setting 以現代為背景,特別註明不是’modern setting' 而是'modernized' setting
deduction [C,U](1)根據事實做出推斷、推論、推理 (2)減法、扣除、扣除額(=substract)
-> His guess is based on intuition rather than deduction.
-> All we can do is make deductions from the available facts.
asexuality 無性、性冷感
無性植物:asexual plant 無性生殖:asexual reproduction
eccentric (adj.)行為古怪的、怪誕的、滑稽的、離經叛道的 (圓)不正圓的、不共同圓心的 (n.)[C]古怪的人
->eccentric clothes 奇裝異服
->a kind but eccentric man
-> My mother is something of an eccentric.
sociopath [C] 反社會者 ’a preson who is completely unable or unwilling to bahave in a way that is acceptable to the society'
-> I'm telling you he is a total/complete sociopath. (cam dict.)