或許從幼稚園,我們就知道pencil當名詞用,就是鉛筆:I need a pencil.(我需要一支鉛筆)
【Pencil-related words】
1. pencil sb/sth in 暫定、暫時安排(感覺之後可以用橡皮擦擦掉,尚未成定局)
(1) I'd love to see you for dinner on Friday but I may have to work. Can you pencil me in and I'll get back to you?
(2) We've penciled in a few possible dates for our staff training day, but we'll have to see which is the most convenient for the team!
通常on對應off, in對應out,既然有pencil in,那麼:
2. pencil out(畫圖)畫草圖/打底、粗估、暫時排除
(1) I like to pencil out what I'm drawing before going over it in ink.
(2) We'll need to pencil out the costs and benefits of the investment before we agree to anything.
另外,除了從小熟知的鉛筆盒pencil case/box,跟鉛筆有關的名詞還有哪些呢?
3. pencil pusher 無趣的行政、秘書作業人員(常指單調、規律的行政相關工作者)
"a person who has an office job that is not interesting",當然,每個人都有自己的選擇及背後的原因,或許需要照顧家人而找份離家近的工作。〈孟子・滕文公〉:「一日之所需,百工斯為備。」每個工作都一樣重要,都是整個大機械的螺絲釘。只可惜這個詞傾向為貶義用法,形容「無趣的工作」(a dull/boring job)
I refuse to be a pencil pusher the rest of my life. I have big dreams and goals!
4. pencil skirt 鉛筆裙,其實就是俗稱的窄裙啦~

5. pencil-thin(adj.)像鉛筆一樣細的
a pencil-thin fashion model
