I was the ringleader (n.)元兇、頭目、首犯
-> The ringleaders of the plots were arrested and punished.
Mom isn't exactly squeaky clean when it comes to being honest herself.
squeaky-clean (adj.)一塵不染、清白的
I love the squeaky-clean feel of my hair after I've washed it.
Journalists have been trying to discover if the senator really is as squeaky-clean as he claims to be.
We went through bags like nobody's business. 非常迅速(very quickly or very much)
He was scribbling away like nobody's business.
Grandma didn't seem too happy about forking over the hot chocolate when we came inside. (尤指不情願地)交出(尤指錢)
->We had to fork over ten bucks to park near the stadium.
->Hey, that's mine. Fork it over!
The coast was clear. 沒有危險(it is safe to do something or go somewhere because no one is watching orlistening who would prevent you or catch you)
->You can come out now, the coast is clear.
Rodrick just cranked up the music to drown me out. 調高音量、蓋過原本的聲音
-> crank up(to increase or improve sth): crank up the volume/pressure
-> drown out (If a loud noise drowns out another noise, it prevents it from being heard.)
奇異筆:permanent marker
I don't think we are totally out of the woods just yet. 脫離險境
->The project has been given funding for another year, but it's not out of the woods yet.
Manny is a huge tattletale. (n.)告密者,愛跟老師打小報告的學生(a person, especially a child, who secretly tells someone in authority, especially ateacher, that someone else has done something bad, often in order to causetrouble)
Mom and Dad didn't have any evidence that I was the one who did it, so they couldn't peg it on me, and I was in the clear. 定我的罪
補充:peg out(to stop working, die)機器停止運轉、(生物)斷氣, peg當動詞和名詞本身是「釘子」的意思
Rodrick got off scot-free. (adj.)不受罰的、從輕發落
->The court let her off scot-free.
I have to get my licks in any way I can.得到機會
-> a lick and a promise 匆匆打掃草草了事
Dad didn't put two and two together. 以既有資訊推出全貌
->How did you know they were having an affair?" "I'd seen them out together a couple of times, so I just put two and two together."
補充: put two and two together and make five 聽風就是雨(to understand a particular situation wrongly, often in a way that is more shockingor exciting than the truth)
I must be losing my marbles. 失去理智、發瘋
So if I can figure out a way to spill the beans without Rodrick finding out, I'm gonna go for it. 洩密、冒險嘗試
stash (v.) (n.) (to store or hide something, especially a large amount)
->The stolen pictures were stashed (away) in a warehouse.
Buying a paper off of someone would be taking it to a whole nother level. 完全不同的
I decided I was gonna just have to suck it up and do the paper myself. 忍受
When third period rolled around,...到了第三節課
I'll be taking summer school for History. 暑假補修歷史
I'm sure Mom knew something was fishy. 可疑的、虛假的、值得懷疑的、魚腥味
->There's something fishy going on here.
I tried to put one over on her. 欺騙
The rest of the family started trickling in around 11:00.
-> Gradually people trickled back into the theatre for the second half.
turn up the thermostat 調高的溫度
It got stuffy and everyone cleared out. 變悶熱、古板、保守、一本正經的、大家都離開了
I am Rodrick's accomplice. (n.)共犯
Grandpa is up front about it. 誠實的、坦白的
補充:up front也指預先付款
I had to sit there and choke down every bite so Grandpa's feelings wouldn't be hurt. 強嚥
G-rated movie 普遍級
take the trash out to the curb 拿垃圾到路邊
He was going bonkers (adj.)抓狂的
Rowley started blubbering like a baby. 哭鬧
->There he sat, cowering against the wall, blubbering like a child.
With all the racket Rowley was making, Mom came downstairs. (n.)喧嚷
->They were making such a racket outside that I couldn't get to sleep.
I came up with an idea to keep him from snitching. (v.)打小報告
->He snitched to my boss that I'd been making long-distance calls at work!
->She thought I'd snitched on her.
Then Scotty handed me this shirt that was covered with these sparkly sequins, and he told me that it was my custome.
-> sparkly是形容詞!
->sequins (a small, shiny metal or plastic disc sewn onto clothes for decoration) 服裝上的亮片
We were the only ones who didn't make the cut, and that actually is kind of embarrassing.
補充:cut and thrust 唇槍舌劍(interesting and exciting arguments)
->She enjoys the cut and thrust of party politics.
This kindergartner named Harry made the cut. 幼稚園小朋友
He said his plan is to win the talent show and use the tape of the performance to get signed to a record label. 跟唱片公司簽約
-> record label (a company that produces goods for sale, the goods themselves, or the company's name or symbol)
->The group have just signed (= arranged to record) with a new record label.
Rodrick asked me to videotape his band during their act.
He won for his ventriloquist act, because the judges said it was wholesome.
補充:ventriloquist's dummy腹語術的玩偶
->wholesome food
->good, wholesome family entertainment
->He looks like a nice, wholesome young man.
You could hear Mom ring in with her opinion. 發表評論
補充: ring-in (n.) [C]後來加入的人
I decided to just rip the whole thing into tiny little pieces and flush them down the toilet.
A bunch of guys cornered me, and I braced myself for the teasing to start.
-> corner (v.) 圍住
-> brace (v.)做好準備
I wasn't about to set the record straight. 更正錯誤
I guess somebody must have thought the tape of Mom cutting loose at the Talent Show was pretty funny, because it's all over the Internet.
->cut loose 無拘無束(to behave in an uncontrolled, wild way)
->Don't be too hard on them - they're just kids and they need to cut loose sometimes.
Ever since, Rodrick's been hiding out in the basement, waiting for the whole thing to blow over. (situation, storm blows over)消停、平息
(When an argument blows over, it becomes gradually less important until it endsand is forgotten.)
->I thought that after a few days the argument would blow over. (主動態)
->The storm raged all night but by morning it had blown over.