
I do want to share a little bit about my background and help, hopefully, motivate and inspire some of you.

Success is never really a straight line. There is always going to be bumps along the way.

For the longest time in my life, I always believe that hard work is a key to success.

I thought,"you know what? If you work hard, of course you will be successful." But now I realize that there's so much more to the story.

There are plenty of people who work hard, who don't necessarily make it in their chosen careers. There are plenty of people who are extraordinarily talented, who know the right people, who are well educated, who don't necessarily make it. 

If you want to be successful, you have to be able to relate to people from all walks of life/everybody.

I didn't necessarily have the easiest childhood.

I didn't have the easiest childhood, but I loved every minute of it because it prepared me for real life.

I really believed up until that point that hard work was the key to being successful. Now I realize there's a lot more to the story.

The first thing I believe is, "Trust your struggle." And that means no matter what the hardships you're going through in life, have faith that it will end up being for the greater good.

I did some soul-searching and I asked myself, "What do you really want to do in life?"

I really wanted to move up within the company.

They needed two or three years previous experience as a reporter.

I decided I didn't want to take no for an answer.

I studied reporters inside out. I studied everything that they did, inside out.

During that time, the recession kicked in and I lost my job.

So eventually, after emailing and pestering constantly, they eventually got back to me.

They hired me on the spot.

If you want to get ahead in life, you need to be competitve, you need to have that drive to succeed and compete with one another.

In order for me to be successful, I don't believe that I need to take anything away from anyone else.

Now, of course, there are some advantages to looking at your peers  for inspiration, definitely. But I think that having a competitve spirit, having that need for one-upmanship and comparing yourself to other people again and again can actually bring out fears and insecurities that end up holding you back.

Rather than not wish her well, I helped her.

It has become abundantly clear to me in life that the more you give, the more you receive. I learned this lesson from the woman named________.

...are very scantily chad.

This had a pretty deep impact on me.

She had some practical advice as well. 

The moral of her story...

... and I can tell you that I've tried it, I've tested it.

The last thing I want to say is loosely related to hardwork and when I first heard this phrase, I thought it was such a cliche, I'd heard it so many times growing up, and that is "Success comes when opportunity meets preparation." I heard it so many times and I thought it was a cliche, and never really pay attention to it. Only now do I realize how true that really is. I'll give you an example.

Since I was passionate about business news, I decided to study and teach myself business news, not necessarily because there was an opportunity coming my way, or there was an interview that was preparing for, but because I trusted that, one day, an opportunity would come and I needed to be ready.

...because often times, I'd be the last person to leave.

by pure chance

He is a master preparer.

...but just in case

It didn't matter how many times he had to do it; he did it again, and again, and again, until he got it right. Most people wait until they get the call for a job interview, before they begin to prepare; or they wait until they get a call for an audition, before they begin to rehearse. But my brother taught me to prepare well before you get the call.

So, to sum up, I truly believe in trusting your struggle, knowing that the hardships you go through will somehow end up being for your own benefit. I also believe in turning a blind eye to competition, I believe in giving, and I believe in trusting and knowing that your opportunity will, one day, come. You just have to be ready.






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